How to have a successful blind date

Don't have any expectations. That is the key to having a successful blind date. I have been on several blind dates and I think I can only say that one of them was bad. None of them have lead to any romantic relationship, but I have had fun on all of them.

People always wander about blind dates and if they are even worth it. They are. You really have no idea where they will lead up to. The worst thing that could happen is that it dosen't work out and you have a really good bad dating story. You could make a future friend. You could set them up with someone you know. You could date them. You could end up marrying them. Why not just do it because there really is no bad consequences from going on a blind date.

Everyone loves blind date stories so just go on that blind date and have the time of your life.

Now, here is a important question, how do you respond to the friend who set you up with the guy and thinks that you would be perfect for each other? Sometimes, you go out with them and wonder...why, did you think that we would be good together? There was no connection and it was just awkward silence the whole date. Do you really know who I am? Or, maybe your friend knows you and has good insight into who you should marry. So, approach them and just say how the date went. If it didn't go well, just say it was a good story but it probably has no dating potential.

So, like I already said. Get rid of your expectations. Go have fun. Be surprised of how unfit or fit you are for your blind date.


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