When life gives you lots of uncooked rice, make rice pudding.

I had a interesting experience the other week. I was cooking for my dinner group and I was going to make hawaiin haystacks. I made the chicken in the crockpot so all that was left was the rice. My roommate told me about putting coconut in my rice, so i decided to try. You are supposed to put the cocunut in the water and then drain the coconut. I did that and then I started cooking my rice. The rice didn't cook. 50 minutes later, there was still no rice. I had a panic attack in my mind. What am I going to do? What are they are going to eat? Luckily, I had lots of yummy toppings for my dinner group, so the dinner looked good. They ate my rice and kept telling me that my food was delicious. In my mind, I was thinking, "they are just telling me that to make me feel better about myself. They don't really mean it". I have never gotten more compliment for any meal than that meal. I think they could sense my anxiety with my meal. They left and I had about 8 cups of uncooked rice. What do you do with 8 cups of uncooked rice? Make rice pudding. Specifically arroz con leche. My roomate had a really good recipe that we tried and it was delicious.

I now have a pot full of arroz con leche that I have been offering to everyone.Does anyone want arroz con leche? I have a pot of it! It is really good, but I can't eat that much arroz con leche. No way. It was kinda funny looking back at this experience though. I had perfectionistic thoughts and they were driving me crazy. I wanted my dinner to be perfect. My group was so loving and then I had a unexpected amount of uncooked rice. I am grateful my roommate helped me see from a different perspective. I learned that sometimes unexpected things can lead delicious good blessings. It was a much needed lesson and a time to laugh.

Also, my mission call has been assigned. I have a mission call assigned and it is coming to me this week. So fast. I have no idea what to do with myself. I want to scream and shout and let it all out. I had my Stake President interview last Wednesday and I already have a mission call assigned. I am still kinda in shock right now because this is happening so fast. It is very exciting and life changing. One decision to go on a mission changed my life forever. It changed my way of thinking, daily life routine, everything.

And St. Patrick's Day was awesome. I had corn, beef, cabbage that my rooomate made and everyone wore green to church. Heaven forbid, we are pinched! It was a great sunday and St. Patricks' Day.

Well, lesson learned last week: Learn to work with what you given. Learn to love in whatever situation you are in. Learn to be flexible and see from another perspective when you are frustrated.


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