Movie Review: Perks of Being a Wallflower

So, I watched this movie with no expectations other than that, I heard multiple things from people.I loved it. It is definitely not a happy movie, even thought it has a somewhat happy ending. The movie presents the life of High school, some people call it coming of age. It may be inappropriate for some people as it includes: drugs, sex, adult themes as drinking. Although it contains these issuses, I believe the theme from the movie is the most important part.

To explain myself, the movie is about how you can't change your background, but you can choose your current behavior and response. This message is so important to everyone. We all have pasts that negatively affect us, but we can't go back and change time. The thing is we can change our perspective now and act differently. Charlie deals with a lot of family issues and mental illness and struggles in High School. His friends are a main source of support along with his family. His family is constantly on the watch for him. I love how he struggles but he has moments of happiness because of support from his loved ones. He learned a important lesson that we all need to learn. He learns to be comfortable in his skin and move on from his past. Instead of his past haunting him, he learns how to overcome it and build a "better" future with a optimistic attitude.

What are your skeletons in your closet? We all have them. They may not be severe or cause a mental illness like Charlie. I loved this movie that it shows how to deal with the skeletons in your closet. Charlie first deals with it through denial, drugs and depression. There could multiple ways that you diagnose his behavior and thoughts, but the main point is that he first didn't cope with his feelings very well. He learned how to embrace his confusion by actually confronting his past. In my abnormal psychology class, we talked about PTSD. The therapy is mainly confronting the event that is causing the anxiety. We can't hide from the past because it will come back to bite us. It will not be pretty the longer we deny the effect of the past. It is scary to confront what you fear in your past. It is the only way for you to move forward. For example, if you were raped, you can't ignore the moment you were raped. You might have nightmares that affect your sleep pattern, that affect your consciousness and performance at school and work. You NEED to address your issues. If you are currently struggling from something with your past, talk to someone about it. I can't repeat the fact that denial isn't a effective strategy when dealing with a important skeleton in your closet. Research shows that denial is a effective short term strategy to deal with pain, but long time is ineffective. Eventually you have to confront your fears.

In a way, I respect Charlie in the movie because he was able to move forward. Moving forward is a hard act when you have a difficult past. I know that my last couple of posts have been social work related. That is my field, so I guess that is what I am interested in. I just care about those who are struggling so much. I know that pain is real and affects people daily. I want people to know there is a way out whether they find it psychologically, medically or spiritually. Let people in and let people help you overcome your past. Be like Charlie and move forward.

So, I highly recommend this movie to all. It has some funny moments along with the important message. Be aware of adult content with sad moments. It is not one of those movies with a silly message that your prince will come, although he does find love. It is a movie about finding yourself and moving forward from your past.


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