When life gives you lemons, do the happy dance.

So you know, the phrase when life give you lemons, make lemonade. I agree, work with what your momma and daddy gave you. The phrase is missing a important element though. We need to do the happy dance and be happy. When life gives us limes instead of lemons, we may be disappointed but there is a reason why we need limes instead. Maybe limes work better for our recipe we are going to make. Maybe we don't know the recipe we are going to make with the limes yet as we are stare at them in astonishment. Does this make sense? I am talking in gibberish. I know.

I feel like in this time of confusion, we focus too much on uncertainty. We forget that we only have one moment to actually live in the moment. Enjoy the moment when you have it, otherwise it will slip away and you can't get it back. I know that this sounds really cliche because there are so many quotes on pinterest about this. I truly mean it. One thing I have regretted in college is not doing the happy dance and stressing about the little things. I am not perfect at this either as I stress out over small unnecessary things sometimes. We focus on the details about how things are going to work out. Who cares about the details about things? Sometimes we need to care, but often we don't need to care.

Life is beautiful. We forget that as we get caught up in things. Take a moment to stop and think about why life is beautiful. I know there are so many research articles talking about how gratitude journals are good for your health. Gratitude has changed my life as I try to look for the positive in situations instead of the negative. It dosen't mean that you are neglecting the negative things in your life. It simply means that you look for good in your life. I challenge you guys to try to find the beautiful things in your life more often. You can either blog, write in your journal or verbalize it. Just try to seek for the good in your life.

There are so many missing opportunities to do the happy dance in our life. You know what I am talking about when I say happy dance, right? When you dance with no shame and just feel pure joy. The kind of joy that is contagious. You see someone doing a happy dance in the hallway which makes you happy, which makes the person behind you happy. That happened to me today. I saw a kid listening to his ipod and walking with swagger. It made me smile so I skipped along. I don't know what happened after me, but It was just a funny moment.

Smile more. It uses more muscles so you are burning more calories. When life gives you lemons, try to find the good thing about the lemons and rejoice.

Yes, you can do it when you are in love. 
Yes, you can do it when you learning something new about yourself. 
Yes, you can do it when you just love music and want to celebrate music. Don't stop when people look at you weird.
Do it at work. It will help pass the time. 
Do it with your friends!
Dance everywhere...the library, hallways...
Do your happy dance in every type of shoe.
After your first kiss
For your school talent show
This one is short because we don't need to see Richard Simmons for very long before being disgusted, but do it exercise clothes.
Whatever size you are...
Whatever holiday.

Just do the happy dance.


  1. I actually didn't watch any of the clips, but I'm glad to see Jan Terri made an appearance!


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