The Courage to Do The Right Thing

It is hard to be good. It is easy to give in. It is easy to forget everything you should do, and give in to your desires.  It is hard to think of what is best for your future. It is hard to make a righteous decision. Of course there are the exceptions, but it is easy to not care about what is best, and do what you want in the moment. There is that momentary happiness that you feel that makes giving in seem worth it. If we really thought about the decision in the long run, then we would realize the long term effects. If we give up the momentary happiness for the long term happiness. If we have the faith that everything will be okay, then we will be able to make the hard decision. This is what I am learning. It is hard to do the right thing. It is hard to have a eternal perspective. But that eternal perspective is so important to our happiness. If we gave in to every momentary desire we had, then we would have no self-control. Do we have to sacrifice our momentary desires for the long term happiness? I know I am repeating myself, but these are my thoughts recently. It is hard. Life can be hard sometimes. It is not meant to be easy. If we never had challenging times and tough decisions to make, then we would never be strengthened. Whenever I am in midst of a tough decision or time, I try to think of what I will gain from that experience in the long term. What character attributes will I gain? What lesson will I learn? It is hard, when you have to sacrifice somethings. I know I have said "it is hard" over and over again in this blog. But I just feel like that today. I had a really good day, I learned a lot about myself. It is amazing how I would be walking down the hall, and hear something I needed to hear. Was that coincidence? No. God is amazing. It is hard to have the courage to do the right thing. It is hard to trust God. It is hard to figure out what is best for you in your future. It is worth it to trust God. With God, you are always right. You can never go wrong following God's plan. You can never go wrong trusting God. He will guide you to what is best. Maybe your plans don't line up exactly the way you want it to be. He might throw a curveball at you, when you don't need it or want it. He might challange you and push you. Why does he push us? So we can become like him, so we can develop into a better person. I firmly believe this. I am grateful for the opportunity that I can have God in my life, and trust him. Although I have said multiple times, it is hard, I know there is joy and happiness from following him. I know that God will put people in your life, so you can learn from them. I know the people in my life have specifically come in my life in a specific time, so I can gain something I needed to learn at that time. Even if the people come and go, they are still there for a reason. I know this may sound like a cliche, but I am realizing the truth of this statement. Like in a Walk to Remember, when Mandy Moore is dying of cancer, she says "What if God has something better planned for me, than I have planned for myself?" We can't see our potential, we can't see our future. He can. He knows what we can do. He will place us in situations that will teach us. He will guide us to where we need to go, that will help us become the person we need to go. My final conclusion tonight is It is hard to the courage to do the right thing, but in the end it is always the best thing. It is hard to make righteous decisions, to be good, to have a eternal perspective. But, it is important to our learning.


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