I am curious.

I ask questions. I read research and journals. I then question the article and ask for the creditionals. Today, I had some questions about what has just happened to me recently, and so I looked on the internet to figure out the reasoning. I realized how curious I have become. I guess I have been my whole life, but maybe I am just realizing it. I have always heard "curiousity killed the cat", but I think I have a opposite point of view. Although people do a lot of things because they are curious, I feel like we can't learn without curiousity. If I never asked questions, I would never have the desire to gain more knowledge. Desire is key to gaining knowledge. So part of my questioning included today..

Why do we say things we don't mean?
Why and when do we use defense mechanisms?
Why are some people more willing to open to up to people and some take longer to get to know?
Why are we afraid to be alone?
When standing in a group and being the only one out, why are we afraid to stand out and say no?


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