Emotional Outlets

It is so important to find a emotional outlet to express whatever you are feeling. I have never realized how much writing helps me. In High School, I hated writing, but through this blog, I have started to enjoy writing. I am not writing critical essays but just a place where I can express how I am currently feeling. This morning I wrote in my journal, and my thoughts were organized when I started writing them down on paper. I was able to see more clear, and realize emotionally what I was feeling. It was amazing. I never realized how writing is such a emotional outlet. Then I thought back to Jane Austen. I love Jane Austen. But in Persuasion and Pride and Prejudice, letters were so important to communication, dealing with differences, and falling in love. Mr. Darcy writes a letter to Elizabeth Bennett explaining his past, his family, and his hopes. It cleared up the prejudice Elizabeth had towards him. It helped her see in a different way, and she changed her perspective. Also, in persuasion, the captain writes a letter to Anne Elliot at the end, and that rekindles their love. I was just thinking about how writing is so important. We can organize our emotions, apologize, propose (in persuasion), and show our emotions to others through writing a letter or in our journal. Without this outlet, or any emotional outlet, we would be a wreck!


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