Time Management

I feel like time management is the hardest skill to learn. I have 5 thousand things I could do within one day, and I have to choose which ones are important, and in what order to do it. I have to let some things ago if I don't get them done. I have to include a social life along with class, homework, roomates, sleep, working out, and scripture study. I have been slowly developing it as I have been through school. There are just so many demands, and I have to choose what is important to me. Lately, this week, I feel like I have been running around all day and at night I am exhausted. I guess it is part of college life. Sleep deprivation and exhaustion are just part of my life. I just have to find my outlets so I don't get too stressed. I feel like I am getting better at that. Stress management is a hard thing to learn. I have learned that my outlets are working out, playing and singing music, dancing, watching movies, eating, sleeping, talking to friends, and writing in my journal. When I get too stressed out, I have learned to take a step back and drop things that aren't necessary so I don't go insane. It is so easy to put so much on your plate, but it hard to say "no". Saying "no" is very important though, we have to know our own limits. Knowing your own limits takes time and experience, and it is hard to wait and give it time to find out your own limits. I am not a expert at this, but it is a important skill I have realized I need in my life. I remember my first semester during finals, I had this major freak-out, and looking back I can think of things I could of done to avoid the freak out. I feel like this is a problem for college students, and for adults, teenagers. Burn-out. We need to learn our own limits, and be able to say "no" when we don't have time for something. Prioritize tasks, make goals, stick to your goals, reward yourself when you accomplish your goals (with a healthy reward), and it will help de-stress your life. Find your outlets, and when you feel stress coming into your life, take a break and get ride of the stress, so you can keep your mind clear.


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