Mind and Body Connection

I never realized the strong connection between the mind the body. When you are physically healthy, it so much easier to have a healthy mind. I woke up this morning feeling out of it, and I still dont' feel that good. It is not anything major, but it is interesting how my energy level has gone down, which makes my social level go down. I don't feel upbeat, I just feel exhausted. Why does what is happening to my body have a strong influence on how I feel in my mind? It is like "you are what you eat". Whenever I am eating healthy, I feel like I have this endless amount of energy, and I am more likely to have a positive attitude. But when I start to eat unhealthy, I will have more doubt, and I will get down on myself more. I think I will take "Healthy Psychology" in the next couple of semesters, I will be able to answer my question!


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