
I am ready for school to start. I know that I will be super busy but I want to be productive with my days. I want to feel accomplishment in my life. I am tired of hanging out with people all the time. It has been a fun summer but I have the hanging out out of my system. I am ready for the textbooks. It sounds super strange. I hate exams but I love learning. I want to learn. I want to watch football games. I want to not meet guys in my classes because they are full of females. This is the one thing I would change if I could. I have realized that religion classes are great because you can meet guys in them. Maybe more guys should take Zumba and Intro to Social Work? Yes? No? 

Well, I am excited for sunday. I get see new people in the ward! I love my ward. It has been my favorite ward I have been in my whole undergraduate experience. It is such a friendly and wonderful ward. I am excited to see all my friends I already have in the ward. I am just overall excited and ready. This is my first fall semester at BYU! And this will be my last fall semester as a undergraduate student. Crazy. 

I am just ready and excited for fall. I love the fall season. I love wearing scarfs, boots, skinny jeans, cardigans and hats. Fall season provides pretty scenery, great opportunities to wear cute outfits, and SNOW! I love snow. I love snowball fights. I have had my fun in the sun, but I am ready for hot chocolate and snow on the ground. I want to watch snow through my window and feel the coldness on my cheek. Something is thrilling about the cold. It makes me want to snuggle up with a blanket and read in my apartment. I understand why it was hard to go to school in the summer, I wanted to be outside. I want to be cold. The more I live in places with four seasons, I fall in love with four seasons. Each season has its benefits that I have learned to appreciate. So, mister sun I am ready for you to depart. 

I am excited for what the fall will bring about. I am open to meeting new people and ready to mingle. In general, my main emotion is just readiness to work hard and have fun!


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