Stop that.

I love love. I really do. I just don't love it when my parents kiss and show love. Seriously, am I the only one? I guess you could say that it is a good thing my parents are still in love. I am grateful for that. I am ungrateful for the fact they do things in front of me and I walk away grossed out by the fact.

I had a conversation about this with a friend in my ward. She said her parents would make out all the time all over the house. She was so tired of it, so she changed her perspective. When she is married, she will make out all over the house. You follow your parents example, right?

I agree with my friend's perspective, but STOP THAT! Us children don't need to see our parents flirt and shake their butts for each other. Flirting is great, just not in front of the children, please. Not please, It is necessary that you don't make out in front of your children. It makes me not want to make out with a boy. I guess for desperate girls, the solution is to watch your parents make out and then you won't want to make out with a boy.

I don't know if anyone else can relate to this. But, I am glad my parents are still in love. Just don't make out in front of me. This is why I don't live at home and watch my roommates and neighbors kiss boys. It is less gross when other people my age watch people kiss. Kissing is so interesting because it is enjoyable when you do it, but not enjoyable watching other people kiss. Especially when they are really awkward and showing way too much PDA. We really don't want to see that. So, keep your PDA low for us people. Even if I am in relationship, I still don't enjoy watching you kiss. It is not a matter of jealously, It is a matter of comfort level. I don't need to see that. Especially my parents kissing.

I feel like a 10 year old again. Boys have cooties all over again. I am so glad I get to experience this lovely sensation.


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