Silly boy, girls don't chase boys, they chase boats!

We just came back from out annual Lake Tahoe camping trip with my Aunt and Uncle's family. I love Lake Tahoe because it is beautiful. The water is so clear and it is amazing scenery. I love being at Lake Tahoe even if I am not doing much because everything is beautiful. Last year, I was on the jet ski with my sister in law and little cousin, and we tipped over the jet ski, so I was a little unsure about going on the trip. I would go on but I wouldn't turn and I would try to avoid waves because I didn't want to tip. I really was uncomfortable driving it because of what happened the previous year. But, something happened and my fear was gone the last day we were on the beach. I went with my fearless cousin and she was chasing boats. She would go find the waves and tell me to increase the speed so we get air. Of course, I increased the speed and we did get some massive air. It was awesome. So, the next time I drove with my brother, I wasn't afraid to get air when I would hit the wave. I would drive until I would see a boat come and I would speed up to the boat's waves. Then I would say "bring on the air". I have now learned the purpose of the wave runner. The purpose of the wave runner is to chase waves and then increase the speed and get major air of the waves. When you do this, it is a absolute blast. I loved every minute of being on that jet ski because I could feel adrenaline just keep me going. So, now I chase boats instead of boys. Occasionally, I chase boys but I like chasing boats more. I don't know which one is more dangerous. That is a good question.

Also, We made a new sport. People on the beach were renting the paddle boats where it is like a surfboard and they just paddle. I don't know the technical name, but I had so much watching them. My cousin started using our kayaks as that purpose. I tried one but I would fall. I tried the wider kayaks and I was able to do it. It was actually really fun and now we have made a new sport, kayak surfing. It is something that everyone should try.

And I love kayaking so much. We have ocean kayaks that I love using. They are so comfortable and the water was so clear. I would love going on our green ocean kayak and just kayak all along the bay and see the different colors of blue in the lake. I love moving with the water and the feeling of being on the kayaks. It is a great feeling. I felt the same feeling that I feel when I am hiking and going on a new adventure in nature. It is just a great feeling because you feel good about yourself and gain more clarity when your on the water. You can see straight down and see big boulders in the water even though its deep.

I am now the big cousin favorite for my cousin. She told me that I was her favorite because I was girly and I would go do fun things with her like rock climbing, kayak surfing, the wave runner and play games with her on the beach. We would sing One Direction together and she told me all the tracks she likes on the new Carrie Underwood cd. We would sing songs together and we would have good discussions about random things. Keep in mind that she is turning 9. We had discussions about dating and blind dating. She totally understood what I was talking about. I felt like I was talking to someone who was older until I realized that she was younger when she talked about the evil talking dolphin who had plans to destroy the world. Yet, I had fun with my little buddy. She would come with me wherever I wanted to go. If I was going to the bathroom, she would want to come so she could talk to me. She asked me every morning because she liked how I did her ponytails. She told me that she liked the "kristen" style of ponytails. They are happy ponytails. haha. There were many funny moments between us. She is quite the fearless cousin of mine. She just does things without fear and has fun with life. Those are my favorite type of people. Fear holds people back from doing so many things, what would you do if you didn't have fear holding you back? Would you life your life differently than you are now? If so, change and get rid of your fear. I know that is much harder to do than just purely stating. But she is a good example of me to not let fear make your decisions for you. Live your life the way you want to do and don't worry about the chance of failure because you will miss out on so many beautiful moments in your life.

Overall, it was a really fun trip. We slept on a air mattress, so I didn't feel like camping. I have gone camping a lot this summer, and I have never used a air mattress. So, I felt like I like I was camping on the "high end". I made the perfect smore this summer. I have been trying to perfect my smore. The marshmallow was perfectly golden from the coals and I smashed in the middle. The only thing that could of made it better was the chocolate melted. That is the invention I am going to make. I am going to make a tool that makes it easier for the chocolate to melt as long with the marshmallows. I love being in that water, even though it is extremely cold. It felt good in the afternoon because It was really hot and the cold water on my sunburnt was so nice.

So, another good vacation in Lake Tahoe. I love the water. I love the kayaks and wave runner and my family. I love how the sun makes my skin nice and dark so I look sunkissed. I don't love the feeling of being sunkissed, but the after effects are amazing! I love the opportunities that God presents to me to enjoy my life with activities that I love. I love the outdoors and seeing all the beautiful things in the world. The world is amazing, even among these hard times I can see a glimpse of hope just because of the beauty that the world presents.


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