We just keep getting better.

So, here I am watching the Olympics and loving it. I didn't have a tv in my apartment, but at home, we have a big tv to watch them on. It is amazing to me that we keep breaking world records in events. It is a hopeful, inspirational thing to me. The fact that we become faster with world records. I don't know about you, but when I think of world records,I tend to think of them as the impossible. They have been already achieved and unreachable. But the fact is that they are reachable. And the evidence for my hope is the olympics. I have seen the swimming records broken by olympic athelets.

So, to your oymplians, good job. You do keep getting better The standards keep getting higher and you keep reaching them. Their dedication is amazing to me. You set apart so much time to train for each race. I don't have that kind of dedication, yet I admire people who do. I just love that we can get better and even though standards are increasing, we have the capacity to reach them. Amazing.


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