
Showing posts from November, 2012

Auntie Kristen

I am a aunt finally! I am excited to meet these two little nephews and hug and kiss them. They are going to spoiled with love. They are baby A and baby B right now. I personally think we should call them Monkey 1 and Monkey 2. If they are brother's children, then they will be true monkeys. Good and rebellious monkeys. The kind of monkeys who just do crazy things. I really am excited to meet these monkeys. Words don't describe my excitement at all. I have been waiting for so long to be a aunt. And in the pictures, the babies looked adorable. Like I want to pinch their cheeks adorable. Now, we have two Aunt Kristen Jensen's in the Jensen family. The only solution is to give the other Kristen a nckname because I was in the Jensen family first...(just kidding) or for my last name to change. And we know what that means. I don't think forcing the second option to happen will work so we will just have to deal with two Aunt Kristen Jensen's in the family for now. P.S. O...

Day 2 of the Flu: Gone with the Wind

Well, I am no longer throwing up. I went to class and didn't learn anything because I couldn't concentrate. But, I went to class! I came home and watched Pride and Prejudice the long version, went to FHE for 10 minutes and watched Gone with the Wind. Gone with the Wind made me so frustrated! I don't remember being frustrated with it the first time when I was watching it. The thing that made me made is the fact that they could be happy. They loved each other even though she was blind about her love for Rhett. The problem was that she was in love with the idea of Ashley. It's stupid how we fall in love with a idea of a person when the person you love is right in front of you. It happens all the time unfortunately. She realized that she was in love with her husband when it was too late. Rhett was wanting to give up after too many failed attempts in their marriage. So sad. But, I never realized how hopeful the ending is. I can't remember the direct quote, but she said...

The gift that keeps giving.

I am not talking about fruitcake. I am not talking about the ugly sweater that your grandma gave you. I am talking about that lovely flu bug. My aunt and uncle gave me the lovely flu bug. I woke up in the middle of the night and found myself near that toilet. It was a unpleasant day except the fact that I watched Emma and White Christmas. Here are the benefits of being sick: 1. You have a excuse to be lazy and lay in bed all day. 2. You appreciate being healthy much more. 3. You can watch your favorite movies all day long and not feel guilty. 4. You can wear pajama's all day. 5. No one will judge you if you aren't wearing make-up. 6. You can watch Jane Austen. This is the winner of the list. You can watch Jane Austen any day, but when your sick, it is just more enjoyable. For example, I forgot how funny Emma is. I love Mr. Knightly. In some ways, I can relate to Emma. She is one of the funniest characters in all of Jane Austen's books. She is confident yet insecur...

My funny cousins.

I spent thanksgiving with my cute cousins. These are my favorite phrases over the time spent with them. Henry (in the bathroom referring to the matches): I want to make fire. Henry (singing this beautiful song while holding his candy corn): Candy corn, candy corn, candy corn, candy corn in my my my shoe. Sophie: I called him a pansy and now he is mad at me. Henry (while wearing no underwear and pants): FREE RIDER! There were lots more, I will post more up if I find any. I did my make up this morning while listening to my Henry's candy corn song. He is 3 years old and just does whatever he wants to. For thanksgiving, he only ate candy corn.  I love kids. They really do say the funniest things. If you want to laugh, then watch Kids say the funniest things with Bill Crosby. Seriously, you will laugh your head off. Children are the best comedy.

I don't feel comfortable

I discovered something this weekend. I have found my element. I learn and grow the most when I go to situations where I feel uncomfortable. I went to a birthday party for someone in my hometown. He is deaf and most of the people at the party came from the deaf ward in Provo. I walked in and it was like a foreign country. Everyone was signing towards each other and I had no idea what they were saying. There were 5 people there who could speak and the rest of the party was deaf. I met some awesome people there and learned how to sign! I am not a awesome signer. I just learned some conversational signing words. Also, they taught me how to flirt in sign language. It is one important skill to have! I even made a connection with a friend who served a mission with someone there. The amazing thing I learned is that I could communicate with them even though we didn't understand each other fully. There are so many ways to communicate other than words. I watched the individuals at the party...

The election!

This is the first election that I have sincerely cared about. Normally, I would think that the president's actions affect me as much. I have realized that the president affects me directly. It is important to vote and understand the beliefs of politicians. This election I became emotionally involved. For me, this was a big step in my political involvement. I was tired of facebook statuses about how the world was ending because Obama is re-elected. So, I really like the church's stance on the election. It's time to unite and become one. Obama talked about his goal of uniting the country. Even if you don't like Obama, try to talking about the country and bringing it down. What use does bringing down the president do? Nothing. You don't need to compliment him, but try to support him in whatever way you can. So read the quote below and think about it. It is great! "After a long campaign, this is now a time for Americans to come together. It is a long tradition...

Life is great.

Sometimes, I get frustrated because I don't know the answers to my questions. I need to take a step back and realize that it is okay. I don't need all the answers right now. I just need the faith that I will get the answers when I need them. Do you know why life is great? I can breathe. I am physically healthy. I have a healthy happy family. The simple things make life great. The fact that I wake up and I have the opportunity to learn about religion and academic subjects. I can choose who I want to love. I can choose what occupation I want to follow. I have freedom to write and express my emotions. I live in a country that values freedom. Yes, life is great. It's not because I am rich. It's not because I have really good grades. It's not because I am the most popular person at BYU. It is not because boys call me every weekend. It is because God is aware of my needs and I know that everything will work out. It is my simple testimony that makes life great....


I find it funny how your definition of home changes as you grow older. Where do you view your hometown? What do you call home? Home can be a person, object or place. I view home as a safety area where I can be myself. I view home as a place where I lived, loved, laughed, struggled and grew. I view home as a changing location. When I was younger, Elk Grove was my home. It was all that I knew. I had my friends there. I went to school there. I developed my sense of identity there. Then, every location I have lived in has changed my identity. This is a very postmodern view on identity ( I am in class called LDS Perspectives and psychology. We write papers based on philisophy theories. Recently, we are learning about identity). My home includes a mixture of Elk Grove, Rexburg and Provo. It is amazing to see how each location played a part in my identity. Where do you consider your home? Home can be a person as well. .There is a song about this, the lyrics go like this "it feels lik...

Balancing Time

I think the hardest challenge in life is to balance time. I recently just not bombed a exam, but didn't do well. This sentence doesn't even make sense! Like I have said, I am somewhat of a perfectionist when it comes to grades. I got a C on my exam. This week, I have had little sleep, full hours of work, social life, and not as much study time. I taught 2 review sessions, proctored exam and graded some essays. Every week is a different balance. The only solution I can think of is to just add more hours in the day. Is this solution possible? It should be. It would solve all of my problems right now. And this weekend won't be productive at all because I am going to the Burg! Yes, I am excited to be with some of my besties. But that means studying and work are going lower on my priority list. This is my justification. When I graduate from college (which is soon), I won't be thinking to myself..."wow, I had such a high grade on my exam". I will think "t...