Life is great.

Sometimes, I get frustrated because I don't know the answers to my questions. I need to take a step back and realize that it is okay. I don't need all the answers right now. I just need the faith that I will get the answers when I need them.

Do you know why life is great?

I can breathe.
I am physically healthy.
I have a healthy happy family.

The simple things make life great. The fact that I wake up and I have the opportunity to learn about religion and academic subjects. I can choose who I want to love. I can choose what occupation I want to follow. I have freedom to write and express my emotions. I live in a country that values freedom.

Yes, life is great. It's not because I am rich. It's not because I have really good grades. It's not because I am the most popular person at BYU. It is not because boys call me every weekend. It is because God is aware of my needs and I know that everything will work out.

It is my simple testimony that makes life great. The best part of this post is that your life can be great too! Everyone can live a simple and happy life if they follow Jesus Christ. Everyday  can be happy when you have a strong and firm testimony. So, you wanna know more? Let me know!


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