The gift that keeps giving.

I am not talking about fruitcake. I am not talking about the ugly sweater that your grandma gave you. I am talking about that lovely flu bug. My aunt and uncle gave me the lovely flu bug. I woke up in the middle of the night and found myself near that toilet. It was a unpleasant day except the fact that I watched Emma and White Christmas.

Here are the benefits of being sick:
1. You have a excuse to be lazy and lay in bed all day.
2. You appreciate being healthy much more.
3. You can watch your favorite movies all day long and not feel guilty.
4. You can wear pajama's all day.
5. No one will judge you if you aren't wearing make-up.
6. You can watch Jane Austen. This is the winner of the list. You can watch Jane Austen any day, but when your sick, it is just more enjoyable.

For example, I forgot how funny Emma is. I love Mr. Knightly. In some ways, I can relate to Emma. She is one of the funniest characters in all of Jane Austen's books. She is confident yet insecure, kind yet judgmental and intelligent yet blind. She is very complex and presents a very human like character. I can definitely relate to Emma. And Mr. Knightly is nearly perfect. The idea that impressed me from this movie is the fact that Emma and Mr. Knightly's imperfections made them perfect for each other. It is so true! And I love all the lessons you can learn from Emma. The fact that imperfections aren't bad is so contrary to our we view ourselves. What is the purpose of having new years resolutions? The purpose is to get rid of imperfections. The reason that Mr. Knightly loved Emma was because of her imperfections. He loved her for many more reasons, but that is was just one of them. Maybe imperfections can become endearing and draw you to people. Not all, I don't think people want a spouse with a imperfection of killing people. But the fact that when you sleep, they take the cover or try to set up other people and fail everytime. That is endearing. The movie presents a different outlook on imperfections. And how can you not love Emma? Her desire to help others is so prevelant in every scene. She really does care for people, but is blind. Who isn't blind? We are all blind. So, this is what I did love about being sick. The flu isn't that horrible when you have Jane Austen to cheer you up.


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