Day 2 of the Flu: Gone with the Wind

Well, I am no longer throwing up. I went to class and didn't learn anything because I couldn't concentrate. But, I went to class! I came home and watched Pride and Prejudice the long version, went to FHE for 10 minutes and watched Gone with the Wind.

Gone with the Wind made me so frustrated! I don't remember being frustrated with it the first time when I was watching it. The thing that made me made is the fact that they could be happy. They loved each other even though she was blind about her love for Rhett. The problem was that she was in love with the idea of Ashley. It's stupid how we fall in love with a idea of a person when the person you love is right in front of you. It happens all the time unfortunately. She realized that she was in love with her husband when it was too late. Rhett was wanting to give up after too many failed attempts in their marriage. So sad. But, I never realized how hopeful the ending is. I can't remember the direct quote, but she said that tomorrow she would find a way to win him back. I don't know if I would be that hopeful. So, it has a sad but hopeful ending. I love watching these movies I watched when i was younger, because I am able to see different things. Like the fact, that Bonnie represented hope in their marriage. After Bonnie died, their hope in their marriage disappeared.

I remember only watching this movie because of the dresses. The dresses are awesome. I think we all should have dresses like that, even though they look really uncomfortable. I realized that there are much more deeper themes and reasons why this movie is famous. The acting is wonderful. Scarlet is a complex character with a rich personality. The lines are great. The movie is just great. I love the complexity within the film. Scarlet is so brave yet so fearful. I feel like Scarlet sometimes when I am looking ahead into my future. I see this bright future ahead of me, but then I start to fear like Scarlet. I think we all like Scarlet in that we are stronger than we think we are. Scarlet dosen't realize how strong she is. Other people can look at her and see her strength, but she is blind to it. Another thing I found interesting watching this movie was the fact that Tara was what gave her strength. When her world was tearing apart, Tara was the only thing that could keep her together. This reminds me of the post about home I wrote a couple weeks ago. This idea of home is strong in that it is something we can always lean back on. When Scarlet's world was falling apart, Tara was her motivation to keep going. Of course Tara wasn't the magical solution, but the ideas and memories that Tara held was what kept Scarlet motivated.

In conclusion, I enjoyed this movie more than I thought it would. It is much deeper than frilly dresses with boys chasing after a silly girl in love with a boy. Another benefit from being sick, the opportunity to watch Gone with the Wind and enjoy the whole film!


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