
I find it funny how your definition of home changes as you grow older. Where do you view your hometown? What do you call home?

Home can be a person, object or place. I view home as a safety area where I can be myself. I view home as a place where I lived, loved, laughed, struggled and grew. I view home as a changing location. When I was younger, Elk Grove was my home. It was all that I knew. I had my friends there. I went to school there. I developed my sense of identity there. Then, every location I have lived in has changed my identity. This is a very postmodern view on identity ( I am in class called LDS Perspectives and psychology. We write papers based on philisophy theories. Recently, we are learning about identity). My home includes a mixture of Elk Grove, Rexburg and Provo. It is amazing to see how each location played a part in my identity. Where do you consider your home?

Home can be a person as well. .There is a song about this, the lyrics go like this "it feels like home to me". Usually you feel at home when your with that person and you feel 100% safe. I don't mean physical safety (although that is important), but emotional security. That absolute and complete trust that you can tell that person anything and won't be judged. Usually, people find this home in their spouse. I love watching married couples in my job and seeing their complete trust and sense of "home" in their spouse. In my own opinion, you should marry the person who reminds you of "home". That same feeling that you felt in your home (if it was a happy family) is a good indicator of marital happiness.

So, home is important. In my Social Work class, we talked about gang development. Often times, gang members join the gang in order to feel a sense of "home". There is something happening in their immediate family that brings a negative feeling and environment. They seek to find that safety in their gang. They feel protected emotionally and physically in their gang. Everyone needs to have a home. Home is not a necessity, but very much important for individual's development of healthy personal relationships and self confidence.

I do love college and my major because I learn about these type of issues. Sometimes, the issues are sticky and not the most fun to deal with. But in my opinion, these issues are the most important to work with individuals. Focusing on the home is one of the most important things that we can do in life. For the most sacred events occur in the home. The most important human development occurs in the home. If we should be seeking for anything in life, we should be seeking for a healthy and happy home environment.


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