I don't feel comfortable

I discovered something this weekend. I have found my element. I learn and grow the most when I go to situations where I feel uncomfortable. I went to a birthday party for someone in my hometown. He is deaf and most of the people at the party came from the deaf ward in Provo. I walked in and it was like a foreign country. Everyone was signing towards each other and I had no idea what they were saying. There were 5 people there who could speak and the rest of the party was deaf. I met some awesome people there and learned how to sign! I am not a awesome signer. I just learned some conversational signing words. Also, they taught me how to flirt in sign language. It is one important skill to have! I even made a connection with a friend who served a mission with someone there.

The amazing thing I learned is that I could communicate with them even though we didn't understand each other fully. There are so many ways to communicate other than words. I watched the individuals at the party play mafia and it was fascinating and funny to watch. They talk to each other with more body language and facial expressions. It was a very lively game of mafia because when they were excited, they used different ways to communicate. I loved watching the mafia game for that reason. Do you realize the power that your body language and facial expressions have? They really do. Communication is amazing to me in that we all can communicate with each other. We can commnicate with each other even though we all live in different parts of the country and speak with different accents and languages.

I really did have a enjoyable time at the party form learning from everyone there. They taught me a lot about communication. Also, I learned how you talk on the phone if you are deaf. It is like skype on the phone. I like how personal it is! Of course, you can always text, but the fact that talking on the phone is much more personal. Now we can communicate with millions of paper without ever seeing them in person. I learned how to better communicate from the party. I learned how personal communication can be.

Also, I learned that I love putting myself in these situations where I feel uncomfortable and have to go out of myself. It is so interesting to see how going out of your comfort zone changes you. I have found in my life the times when did something new, was the time I grew into a better person.

So try it. Put yourself in a situation that are you are used to. Then grow into a better person.


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