My funny cousins.

I spent thanksgiving with my cute cousins. These are my favorite phrases over the time spent with them.

Henry (in the bathroom referring to the matches): I want to make fire.

Henry (singing this beautiful song while holding his candy corn): Candy corn, candy corn, candy corn, candy corn in my my my shoe.

Sophie: I called him a pansy and now he is mad at me.

Henry (while wearing no underwear and pants): FREE RIDER!

There were lots more, I will post more up if I find any. I did my make up this morning while listening to my Henry's candy corn song. He is 3 years old and just does whatever he wants to. For thanksgiving, he only ate candy corn.  I love kids. They really do say the funniest things.

If you want to laugh, then watch Kids say the funniest things with Bill Crosby. Seriously, you will laugh your head off. Children are the best comedy.


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