The election!

This is the first election that I have sincerely cared about. Normally, I would think that the president's actions affect me as much. I have realized that the president affects me directly. It is important to vote and understand the beliefs of politicians. This election I became emotionally involved. For me, this was a big step in my political involvement. I was tired of facebook statuses about how the world was ending because Obama is re-elected. So, I really like the church's stance on the election. It's time to unite and become one. Obama talked about his goal of uniting the country. Even if you don't like Obama, try to talking about the country and bringing it down. What use does bringing down the president do? Nothing. You don't need to compliment him, but try to support him in whatever way you can. So read the quote below and think about it. It is great!

"After a long campaign, this is now a time for Americans to come together. It is a long tradition among Latter-day Saints to pray for our national leaders in our personal prayers and in our congregations. We invite Americans everywhere, whatever their political persuasion, to pray for the President, for his administration and the new Congress as they lead us through difficult and turbulent times. May our national leaders reflect the best in wisdom and judgment as they fulfill the great trust afforded to them by the American people."

-First Presidency of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints


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