
Well, these last couple of days I have learned some amazing things. The first not amazing thing I have learned is that reading days aren't for reading. I don't feel like people read. They end up playing or wasting away their day relaxing. I ended up working, playing and wasting my day watching youtube pranks. Yeah I I said I have no motivation.

But we had our ward party which was really fun. I learned a lot of important things there. The first thing I noticed was that the ward has become very cliquey. I don't like the cliqueness of the ward at all. I was frustrated at the ward party but then I realized that I can't stop other people from being selective but I can be friendly to everyone to encourage friendships with everyone. I don't know if that will work, but it is better than being frustrated and bitter to a cliquey ward. I just realized that I can't control others behaviors and thoughts but I can control mine. Also, we had a ward auction for a family where the husband abandoned the family. It is quite a sad story. We had a auction where ward members offered their services. We raised over 1000 dollars for this family in our ward. That is amazing to me. 1000 dollars isn't a lot of money in her debts, but it will help her quite a bit. I think we underestimate the power we have in helping others. Just like last night, I had no idea that we would raise that much money for that family. We are giving it anonymously for her Christmas gift.

So that was my lovely experience at the ward auction. I was able to see everyone's unique talents and get to know people by the services they were offering. I bought a paper edit and a sushi night with my neighbor. It was a win-win-win for everyone. It was a reminder that there is hope if we work hard to serve those who need help. Lets make service a priority!  


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