Funny things I've learned/adapted in college

First of all, I know this is the second post of the day. It is a blessing in your life as you get double dose of my simple happy beautiful life, which is never a bad thing. I was thinking about the funny thing that I have learned in college, and there were quite a few. So, I am going to start list right now.

1. How to drink milk from the carton. Never did that before college, I just learned the convenience of drinking from the carton.
2. How to awkwardly dance at a dance party and avoid that creeper who is looking up and down every girl in the room.
3. How to awkwardly talk to the opposite gender on a first date. Like asking questions, "If you had to marry a animal, which one would you marry?" and "Which disney princess are most attracted to?"
4. How to enjoy leftovers. I never enjoyed leftovers until college.
5. How to facebook stalk in a thorough manner. All you need to know is a first name, and you end up with their birthday, music tastes, relationship status, major, family of origin, love or dislove of cats, favorite movies and quotes, personality, ambition...everything you need to know!
6. How to waste time by watching shows on hulu on netflix
7. The joys of cookie dough after getting a bad grade on a final.
8. The expense of making a batch of cookie dough.
9. The joy of wearing sweats after a long day.
10. Bedtime is a good thing!
11. How to drop the "t" in everything (only applies if you go to school in Utah).
12. The joy of playtime, recess, naptime, snacktime....I mean lets just go back to preschool!
13. How to overcome a fight with your best friend, push them in a pool and you are satisfied! (True story)
14. How to have fun in the grocery store. Sometimes it is the social event of the week, grocery shopping!
15. How to find good hiding spots in campus buildings for future games of sardines.
16. How to find free food and taking advantage of offers for free food.
17. The joy of people watching people in the library.
18. The fact that dishes don't do themselves.
19. The fact that vaccuming is actually very relieving and a great stress management technique.
20. Game shows like "minute it to win it" and "baggage" are quite enjoyable.
21. How many days can you go without washing you hair?
22.The joys of pulling a all nighter.
23. Paying for a movie at full cost in the movie theatre is not worth it unless it is a REALLY good movie or Twilight.
24. When it is snowing, it is sometimes more fun to go sumi-wrestling in the snow rather than watch it through your story (true story as well).
25. Tree climbing is dangerous.
26. Random dance parties are the best.
27. Playing with chalk can attract a large group just because you are playing with chalk.
28. The Office is very applicable to people within the classroom. You can find "Dwights", "Angela's"...etc.
29. Ice cream is the best therapy.
30. Once its the break, then its time to put on facebook "I'M DONE!" and brag to others who are still in school.
31. I am poor.
32. I will still be poor once I graduate.
33. You can make a best friend within a day.
34. Once someone knows you a psychology major, they think you can read their mind.
35. Once a girl finds out, a guy is a buisness, pre-law or pre-medical school route, then they are 1000000 times more attractive.
36. Once you find out someone's major is humanities, you look at them weird and say "how interesting".
37. Cooking with aprons makes everything way more exciting.
38. You should put every moment up on instagram like..."look I am eating tacos!"
39.Sleeping in a hammock is actually very exciting and comfortable.
40. Having a sleepover on University Avenue to watch the 4th of July parade is a once in a lifetime experience.
41. Bonfires are more "epic" if you burn a sofa.
42. Once you meet someone with a car, you automatically want to be their friend if you don't have a car.
43. Denny's midnight runs are the best even thought the food is the worst.
44. "Say Yes to the Dress" is the best way to know what you want in your future wedding dress.
45. Farmville was only cool for one semester, after that, it was "oh you have your harvest your tomatoes?"
46. If you fall on the ice but get up and be cool about it, then your cool points incease.
47. If you fall on the ice but cry, people don't know how to react to it.
48. If you fall on the ice because you are wearing high heels, nobody has sympathy because they think you are dumb for wearing high heels ( I have never had personal experience, but I have seen it before).
49. You participate in the contest of "how long can I wait to do laundry because I don't have any quarters".
50. Life is full of funny moments everyday. You just have to watch out for them.


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