Late nights

I have no idea why, but when break starts I just stay up way too late. Like right now, I am writing a blog post when I should be in bed. I stayed up until four in the morning one morning because I can. What am I doing? Nothing.

But on the side note, I am waiting for my brother to edit my letter of intent and then I submit my application. I was so tempted to just submit my application tonight. I was talking to my teacher I ta for today on the phone and she was asking me about graduate school applications. She said she wrote me a strong letter of recommendation. I want to get in. So bad. Yet, I don't want to get in. But, I am so excited that fall semester is done and my application will soon be admitted. I am glad that I started my application early. Advice for all you individuals applying for graduate schools...start your application easy. It will make your life so much easier.

So, that's all. Also, I have a question. There is a boy in my ward who I find very annoying. Normally, I can get along with nearly everyone. This boy is very unique that I don't get along with him. I just struggle to have a normal conversation. There was a movie night at his apartment and I was there for 15 minutes waiting for other people to show up. He was on facebook just ignoring me. Then other people start showing up and then he starts showing off the videos he produces for BYU and starts talking about all the famous people he knows. I was appalled by this behavior. I try not to rude and to have good thoughts about others. I couldn't have good thoughts about this young man tonight so I left his apartment because I couldn't be near him and be positive at the same time.

Does this mean that I am a rude person? Am I prideful? I am trying to be kind and understand him. I can't. It seems nearly impossible for me to understand this person and have a conversation with him. I truly believe that there are some people we may not be able to get along with in some ways. I can stay in the room with this individual most days and be civil. We don't have outright fights. We just don't enjoy our time together. What are your thoughts?


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