No motivation.

This is a problem. I can't get anything done. I have been starting at my social work book for 20 minutes thinking about how I should open up the book. It would be a good idea to study but you see, I have a somewhat easy final schedule. I only have two. This is the least amount of finals I have ever had in college. I have done most of the work already but these two finals are very important in raising my grade. But I have a long time to study for them. So, basically I have no motivation.

I was just thinking back on my finals in my freshman year. I had a big breakdown and it was not a enjoyable experience. I am glad that I have learned some great coping and study skills that makes finals less stressful. Because lets face it, your life depends on your grades somewhat. My acceptance to grad school is somewhat determined by my gpa. But besides the pressure, you can only do your best. So, I guess do your best and don't fret.

Instead, I am writing a blog post and listening to glee's version of grease. I really did like it. Grease is great. Glee is like my guilty pleasure. I love every minute of that show and I shouldn't. But there is no possible way for me to not love it.

Speaking of great things is the fact that I will go to bed early because I am not being productive nor have any desire to do so. I think this is called burnout....haha.

I do love college, it just these times when I am tired of studying and reading and reviewing. I want a break. Thank goodness that there is a break coming up soon. I will be loving every minute of not being in school. I will hopefully have more desire to do school when I get back from the winter break and then I...graduate!

Speaking of motivation, I am almost done with my grad school application. I have a essay that I need to write for a scholarship and then edit my letter of intent, and I am done. For reals.

Well...the bed is calling my name. I love bedtime. Best invention ever.


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