Does curiosity kill the cat?

I heard a quote that made me think: "I have no special talents, I am only passionately curious". Guess who said that? Albert Einstein. The quote inspired me to have the hope that I can become a amazing scientist, or whatever I want to be. Albert Einstein had struggled with learning when he was younger, his teachers said he wouldn't perform at a high level. Well, they were wrong! The fact that he said he didn't have special talents, but just that curiosity made him gain his infinite knowledge brings me hope. I know I may not be the most intelligent person alive, but I have a strong desire to learn, and curious nature about asking questions on human nature. I think that the ingredients to gaining more knowledge and wisdom are not purely intelligence. I believe that in order to gain wisdom one must have; the curious nature of asking questions, strong desire to learn, and to be hard working. When all of these combine, I think one can receive more intelligence than someone who purely is intelligent but doesn't work for knowledge.


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