Taking time to Relax

Lately, I have been going and going and going continuously. I think it all caught up to me last night. I realized I was pushing myself too much, and then I could feel my temperature going up. I finally just took time to recooperate. I slept 13 hours, skipped class, and I am just relaxing today. I know I will be behind, but it is more important for me to have my body rested and healthy. Not saying that everyone should skip class and work, but don't work yourself too hard. When your body is sending you signals, that it needs rest. Don't ignore it, and give your body rest. I could feel my body just being completely exhausted, but I ignored and kept working at a full pace. Sleep. Eat Healthy. Exercise in Moderation. Take Breaks when you are tired, Don't overwhelm yourself. When you are stressed don't ignore it with work, find a outlet and use it to release it. If you don't release stress, then it will build up and it can cause sickness in your body. I could of avoided feeling the way I did last night, but I didnt. Well that is my advice.


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