
My brother once told me that there was a formula for happiness. I am not sure, but I think it was your expectations divided by reality. I have seen people live with high expectations, which in my opinion is a good thing.  It is a good thing in certain situations, when we are able to drop our high expectations if they are not realistic. Many people have these high goals and expectations, and when things don't work out as planned, then they become depressed. We need to have high expectations but then we need to learn to let things go and not have disappointment take over. It is a hard mix to not have too high expectations but then not lower them too much, so we don't get anywhere in life. There is a happy medium that we should strive to reach, where we still have a expectation but not too high, that could possibly lead to unhappiness, and too low expectations that could lead to boredom. I have been thinking about this lately. It applies to dating, amazingly. Many girls have unrealistic  expectations of the perfect man, If only we could let it go, knowing there is no such thing as a perfect man! There are amazing guys out there, but we may pass them up looking for the perfect man. I am a fan of not lowering your expectations if you know you can receive something more. Just be careful to make sure your expectations are realistic.


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