
I have had a hard time with time management lately. I procrasinate unto the point where I am stressed. i get so stressed, I am unhappy, and I am just rushing to get things down. I finished my homework, and I ran. It felt so nice. I carried all the stress within me all day. I got on the treadmill, turned on Michael Buble, imagined myself performing my quickstep and cha cha final. I got in this mode, and I just started enjoying my running. I could feel stress coming off my chest, I could feel just relaxation, I could think clearly. I haven't had that kind of feeling in a long time. I love the feeling of exercise where I can let go of negative emotions, get them out in a healthy outlet, where at the end of exercise I have a happy and healthy feeling. I love getting on the treadmill, or wherever I am running, thinking about what is worrying me, and then watch my cares float away. I can get my anger, frustration, stress out by imagining it go away each step I take when I run. I let my imagination take over, where I can come up with solutions. It is my favorite part of running. I love letting my imagination go wild. I can be who I want to be. I can dream whatever I want. I can be wherever I want in the world. I can imagine myself traveling to Italy and meeting my true love. I can imagine myself winning a marathon. I can imagine myself getting a A on my Social Psych exam. I can be a I can imagine myself doing whatever I want. We need that time to let ourselves go, and let our dreams take over. I guess, I can say that dreaming of what I want to be keeps my worries slip away. Is it bad to be a dreamer? I always dream. I daydream during class. I daydream walking to class. I love going to bed, because I can dream at night. You can say I never grew out of my childhood imagination stage.


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