Good Lunch and Conversations

Today, I went out to lunch with one of my best friends, I haven't seen her for a long time. We laughed and talked for a long time. Time passing didn't matter, we ate very slowly, and just talked about our hopes and where we want to travel. We both talked about our recent endeavors in school and just our recent hobbies and passions. It was cool to see that even if we didn't talk that much that we could have a good friendship. I love those friendships, although we may not see each other a lot, I can always rely on them and just know that we can have a good time. We are so different but we manage to be best friends, it is weird. But I am so grateful for my friends who I can just talk to whenever and trust them completely. Life wouldn't be complete without those kind of friends. Most of my friendships are like this, which is pretty cool. One of my best friends, we see each other once a year maybe, but when we get together, it seems like no time has passed. Without the social support from my friends, I would not have happiness! I am just grateful for everyone who has been a friend and helped me in times of need, or just been there to goof around and be silly with!


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