The Root of a Problem

I find it interesting when you talk to people, and you can tell there is something bothering them. They won't tell you openly what is bothering them. They give you a plausible explanation, but you know the problem is something much different. They just try to find a cover up. I find this interesting with my friends. I will talk to them and they tell me that they are frustrated with some external event, but when I really get down to the root then it is something much more internal and personal. There are a lot of people who will just accept the false explanation and then move on. But I think we need to really try to understand people by understanding the root of the problem. It reminds me of what we learned in AP English, and we have a tone and a undertone. The tone is the obvious one but we have to analyze and take time to find out the undertone. It can be hard to find the undertone in a passage, but when we find it we have a clearer picture. Take time to find the undertone or the root of the problem. We will understand people much better as we come to know the true reason for emotions. Emotions can be complicated, people are complicated, but people will appreciate when you truly care about them and want to know how they are feeling. I am realizing the important of this in relationships, truly caring and listening. When we truly care and listen, we can develop a trust, which will lead to the discovery of the undertone of people's problems.


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