Making Goals

I don't have anything exciting to say. Not a extraordinary day. I did homework, played piano, went to my grandpa's house, took a nap, ran, the usual. Played apples to apples for family home evening. I guess you have to be grateful for the good, bad, and just average days. They all have their purpose. Although, nothing exciting happened, I did make this big page of goals. I was thinking of things I want to change in my life. I made categories, made specific goals that I want to do in my life. It made me think about how we talked about how Marriage and Family Therapy is goal specified therapy, which makes it work. You make a specific goal, work to accomplish the goal and then you have improved! I like making goals. I make goals subconsciously, I may not follow up on them, but I like to make them, evaluate my progress, and then make changes. This may sound dorky, weird, whatever you want to call it. But goals make me driven. They give a direction in life, where I can make progress. When I make progress, I can cross off goals, and feel accomplished. I love feeling accomplished, I love feeling like I am constantly improving and becoming better. I can always find something to improve, so I am constantly trying to change my bad habits into good habits. Without making goals, where would we go? We would be in the same place in our life, staying in the same place. How boring would that be? Well, My bed is calling my name. It has been calling my name all day, I have been exhausted. I fit the category of a sleep deprived college student.


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