Back to School

When everyone else is leaving to go home for summer, I am starting school once again. Although it has been an adjustment, I am loving it here! Yesterday it snowed. I came from 85 degree humid weather to snow. I have live in the library this week.I think this week has just been a preview of what my semester will be like. But one positive note about the library is that it is a social place. When I go for a break, I usually run into a friend and we talk for a couple of minutes. Who knew that the library would be a  social place? I am happy with my little cubby on the first floor. I am satisfied with its location. Enough noise to keep me awake and enough quietness for me to concentrate.

My roommates are pretty good. I like them all. I can tell a difference between rooming with people freshman year and sophomore (almost junior year). Freshman you did everything with your roommates! Now that we are familiar with people on the campus, we branch out more to do things with other people. Not like we don't like each other, it is just that we have separate lives. We all are working, doing hard classes, have best friends and other obligations so we aren't home as much. I like it this way because your freshman year you depended on your roommates for a lot of things.

I like my classes. I have one class I am fascinated by already. It will be hard work but I will probably blog about it the most. Sensation and Perception with one of the hardest psychology classes will be where I am most of the time. My goal is a B. I think it is pretty reasonable. I actually like Advanced Writing so far. We have been focusing on critical thinking and reading essays about how we should apply critical thinking to our learning so we can learn more. My other classes are pretty good.

Last night, I played Loaded Questions with a old roommate, my cousins, a new friend from dance class, and another old friend. It was really fun. We were laughing all night long. I never realized how big of a goofball I can become when I am comfortable with my friends. I saw Beastly for the second time. It is a cute movie. I missed the three dollar movie theatre! I do still miss Florida, but I like BYU Idaho so I can't complain. Tomorrow is Easter. I am going to church tomorrow with my roommmates. Then I am having a dinner with my amazing grandpa and brother and sister in law. The challange will be dealing with my brother taking all the Easter eggs. The easter eggs are for everyone. Anyways, that is how I am doing. I will busy the next couple of months.


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