A good feeling

I have a good feeling about this semester. I just know It will be good. Even with my cold stuffy nose and overpriced psychology book, I am excited to dig in to this spring semester!

I love the feeling of knowing someone in each class you go to. I love going to devotional and meeting up with some of my new and old friends. I can't wait for my communication personal project. I get to choose a project and carry it on. Nobody chooses it for me! I am excited for my sensation and perception class where I get to learn about the science of the body and how we perceive the world around us. It will bring out the nerd in me. I am excited for my dance class. We are going to learn all the different types of swing dancing. And tomorrow is another first day of classes!

I guess this might be my lucky semester. Meet some pretty cool people here, learn some amazing things, save my money (try to at least), and have fun!


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