Representing Something

I have never really understood what it means to truly represent something. It is hard work. You must constantly be reminded of what you are standing for. I stand for different things in my life my main things are; my name, family, Disney, Jesus Christ.

Working at DisneyWorld, I am a cast member and I am always being watched by guests. They check to see if I am giving good service, smiling, being accurate and quick with the orders, and overall my kindness. I have never been watched as much as I do here. Even when I go to the park for fun, they can tell who the cast members are. If I do something stupid at my apartment or the park, then I am representing the Disney Company. It can be a good and bad thing. It makes me become more professional knowing that my job is depended on my behavior. One stupid mistake that is noticed, I can get in trouble! I am representing the Disney Company as whole. That means when people think of their Disney experience, I am part of it.

When I am representing family, people watch me and my actions influence my family's reputation. If I do good, I will bring honor to my family name and people will remember my family name for good. It is like Mulan. She represents her family and her actions were risky but in the end, she bought pride to her name.

When I am representing my religion, people will think of me as a mormon. I represent the mormons in the world. I have been told that I am the only mormon at work in my location. They ask me questions about my religion and my reasons for my beliefs. My responses are going to influence their beliefs about other mormons in the world. If I do something wrong and bring a bad response to the mormon name, then someone's view can be altered forever.

This perspective has but a new twist on the way I live. I realize that I am interconnected with everything around me. I have a reason to be good and live the right way because I represent a multi million dollar company, a religion and a family tree. They are all kinda big things. I think many people don't realize that small actions can impact other people in important ways. People assume their decisions are just their own problems. Well, think about what you represent!


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