What happened to me?

This blog will be more personal. I am currently taking Interpersonal Communications and I am loving it. We learned about our self concept today. When we are young, everyone thinks they are good dancers and singers. Everyone's self concept is positive. When we get older, we grow up and develop a different self concept. Sometimes it is more negative. So this is where my blog comes in. I am answering the questioned What happened to my self concept?

When I was younger, I thought I was pretty, a good singer, dancer, a good mother to my "baby", and had lots of friends. I was a happy and bright young girl who had this life ahead of her. I still carry this spirit but it is a little different than the young spirited Kristen.

I'll first start off with my first time I noticed I was different. I had a speech impediment. It didn't really phase me until I went to public school and noticed that not everyone didn't go to speech therapy during class. I saw kids making fun of the way I talked. Did you think this impacted my self-concept? Yes. I didn't think I was as cool or intelligent as my peers. I didn't really have many friends during elementary school. I had some but I was not the most popular girl in the school.

My teacher in fourth grade favored me. I was just a sweet innocent girl who loved to learn. She would pick me for things and I was the teacher's pet. I remember then feeling smart because of the way I was treated by my teacher. I remember my self-concept changing to see a different level of intelligence. Maybe I didn't have the social intelligence, but I had the brains and the hard work. I think my self concept was influenced deeply by my piano teacher. I never realized how stubborn I was while learning the piano from her. I thought I would never love it. I thought I would hate piano for the rest of my life. I was wrong. She never gave up on me(maybe it was because my mom was paying for every month). I think she saw in me this spirit of a love to learn. She saw that my potential in being good at putting myself in the music. She pushed through until I had a breakthrough with learning Debussy. I remember how proud she was when I learned to love music. My self-concept changed. I learned my potential of gaining talent when I put my hard work into something. My talent gave me a positive self-concept as it made me more interesting. I could impact people through my music. I was known for my music. Everyone at church knew I could play so I would play hymns and piano solos. I taught piano. The influence from my piano teacher has changed me and shaped me.

Recently, I had a big thing that I still ashamed about. It took me a while to complete this task. I kept trying and would fail over and over again. I could see my self-concept changing. I learned the power of self-concept. I would go retry this task and fail again. I can't blame myself completely although I was a big part of the problem. My family influenced me as well. The more I failed, the harder and the more negative my self concept was. Finally, I accomplished my task, and my self concept is more positive. This event definitely shaped me as well.

Working at Disneyworld shaped my self-concept. While working there, I realized I didn't have the same social support I normally have from my friends and family. The positive reinforcement and encouragement always would keep me going on a bad day. I realized I was surrounded by strangers, managers, and forward boys who wanted me for the wrong reasons. The way I looked at myself would change daily it seemed like. I thought I was nice but then I would be rude to a customer. I thought I was unselfish but it seemd like all I did was take from my friends. I thought I was hopeful but I seemed to complain all the time. I thought I was friendly, but after work sometimes I wanted to be alone. It questioned my original self concept completely. In the end, it strengthened my self-concept and now I can say I have a positive self-concept. All of these events have helped me to develop this self concept today.

Who do I think I am?
I know I am a daughter of god. I know I am valued. I am a good listener. I am smart and hardworker. I am perceptive and empathetic. I am friendly and optomistic. I am active yet out of shape. I am a sister, friend, daughter, shopper and college student. I can be anxious. I can have mental breakdowns. I know how to handle them and get back up when I feel down. I can get impatient until I see the larger picture. I can get down at myself for my weaknesses until I realize that everyone is imperfect. I know I can't compare my weaknesses to someone's strengths. It is not a fair comparison. I thank all of the people who have been there to shape my self-concept. There are many more examples and people that have taught me things about myself. But that would be a 10000 page blog. I hope I can keep a positive and realistic self concept as I keep learning from my experiences.


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