All the Single Ladies( and men)

I feel like dating has become like a complicated game. I watch other couples around the BYU Idaho campus and I feel like it is a game full of competition. Girls try to one up each other and try to be the perfect girl. People make out after hanging out instead of kissing after a real date and meaning the kiss. Guys don't ever call for a date. They will text to hang out. What ever happened to the act of courting? That was the process to get a wife and date back in the good old days. Guys had to court the girl by going on walks and buying them flowers. They would tell them compliments and try to impress them with their words and actions. Now the responsibility relies more on the girl. Girls are pressured to ask out guys in order to get a date. I don't know how I feel exactly if asking out a guy should be right. I want to be traditional but sometimes you have to move along with the times.

We just had a devotional about dating and what girls should do. They said girls need to stop hanging out with  guys. When we hang out, we are encouraging them to keep hanging out. The problem here at BYU Idaho is that the semesters are short and the pressure is high. Marriage is part of the LDS culture and we are expected to get married. People rush relationships. They complicate relationships with awkward Determine the Relationship conversations. They want to define the relationship early. Why is there a strong need to define the relationship? What if you let the relationship flow into whatever direction is needed to go into. Maybe dating would be less stressful if we uncomplicated the process. Don't make everything over the top. You can have a cheap simple date. You don't need to expect to meet the family on the second date. Give the relationship time to develop and grow.

This is what I think.
I want guys to ask out girls when they are face to face.
I want guys to put more effort.
I want girls to be less dramatic when it comes to dating.
Don't expect a ring after the first date.
Get to know the person through dates.
Don't become too physical too early in the relationship that will cause you to only get to know each other physically more than developing a emotional connection.
Enjoy each others company in a clean and fun way without pressuring one another before you aren't ready to move forward.
Dating should be a fun process.
Go dance.
Go carve a pumpkin.
Don't have a DTR after the first date determining where both of your futures are going to lead.
Have some faith that maybe this relationship will work out instead of letting fear govern your decisions.

And for the girls are who are waiting for dates (like me!). Don't sit there waiting for your dream guy. Become the dream girl the dream guy will want to marry. Have fun and get involved. Work hard and do well in school. Get out of yourself and try to meet new people in different situations. Don' be limited in what you want. Life will work out in a mysterious way. I don't know when and where you will meet your future eternal cupcake. I can't tell you that you will get married in a year or two. I can't tell that you will meet someone that is exactly what you wanted. Just be open minded and always prepared. Have faith that everything will work out. Take time to develop your talents and friendships with others. Live your life in a joyful manner. Boys are attracted to happy women not bitter women who desperately want a boyfriend.


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