We are studying Jung next in my personality class and let me tell you he is a very complicated psychologist. One interesting fact about him was that he was in love with two women at the same time. He was madly in love with his wife when he fell in love with a student. He continued to have the mistress live in a close bedroom to his bedroom with his wife in the same house. He was once friends with Freud until he told him that his ideas were based too much on sexual motivations. One thing we can all learn from Freud is that we need to take criticism better. People tried to constructively criticize Frued's idea on sex but he would ignore them and throw them out of his world. Maybe if he took criticism better, then his ideas would be more acceptable to society. Many people throw out Freud because his ideas are so extreme yet they are profound and catches truth about human nature.
Anyways, Jung was the first psychologist to start the belief of self actualization. This idea helped in the creation of the Humanistic view where the goal in life is to reach self actualization and reach our full potential. Just like the ego, he believed there was the libido energy that motivated all behavior. This libido is a energy for life. He still believed in the unconscious like Freud but he believed in the personal and collective unconscious. What makes Jung different is that he believed in the principle of opposites. He used the dialectic approach by having opposites to everything. There was the extrovert and introvert. The challange in life according to Jung is to find the happy medium and have the opposites equalized.
We have the different parts of our personality according to Jung.
- The persona
-Anima (This is my favorite part- He believes there is feminine qualities in males)
-Animus (Likewise he believes there are masculine qualities in females. The hard part about this is the fact that we need to control them so they don't overbalance and control our personality.)
-Shadow( The shadow is the dark part of our personality)
-Self ( The self will try to unify all of our parts in our personality. If we can unify them then we have reached self realization according to Jung)
I believe that Jung is very intelligent. His ideas are amazing yet they carry some fault. Some ideas that you may have heard already is the extrovert and introvert. He was the one who came up with the eight personality types based on extroverts and introverts. I always hear people talking about whether or not they are a extrovert or introvert, you are talking Jung people!
Unlike Freud, Jung's ideas are much more positive than the psychoanalytic appraoch. Although we have the shadow in our personality, Jung believes the ultimate goal in life is have harmony in our psyche. We need to develop our parts of the psyche to maturation. Anyways this is the basic of Jung's idea. Of course, I tried to simplify them, they are much more complicated than this.

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