
You have the power to have greatness. You have the power to be great. I know there are many experiences that show we are born with the power to do evil. We are born with power to do good and evil. I try to emphasize the fact that we can do good. I try to see the good in people. There are too many experiences in my life where I have seen people do great things. I have seen acts of service. I have seen sacrifice. I have seen selfless people give everything to anyone and everyone.

I like to think we can reach our potential if we work hard. I know there are some things we can't control. Our genes and environment have some kind of control yet I believe our free agency will allow us to make some choices. Call me navie. Call me ignorant. I call myself hopefully innocent. I don't care what others say, I believe in the free will. People can change. There is hope in the world.


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