Oh'll the Places you will Go

You have brains in your head.
You have feet in your shoes
You can steer yourself
any direction you choose.
You're on your own.  And you know what you know.
And YOU are the guy who'll decide where to go.

I was thinking of the places I have been and the places I will go. Life is too short to worry. Enjoy each moment because each moment you worry that will be one moment you will never get back. My attitude has just experienced a recent shift. 

I was extremely worried about my future but recently I have been really happy and relaxed. I know that everything works out for those who work hard and trust God. It took me a while to fully believe that but it is a faith like optimism that has changed my attitude. I know that miracles can happen and there are tender mercies that happen to us everyday. Small moments that just let you know that God is aware of you. Like the fact that today someone asked me how I was feeling about transferring and I smiled. I knew it was right without a doubt. Yes It will be sad to leave Rexburg and my friends I've made here. I will miss my grandpa's hugs and stealing cookies out of his cookie jar (which has been empty recently). There is a bigger world for me in Provo. And after Provo, there is another adventure waiting for me. 

It was Sister Dalton's devotional that changed me. She said in her talk to "live like its permanent". I have a tendency to come and go. I have had different roommates each new semester. I haven't been home for a while for a long period of time. I have lived in Florida and Idaho this year. I guess you can say that I move and change my life a lot. Making relationships with others is hard when you know that you will be gone. But don't think about saying goodbye. Enjoy the present. Enjoy the moment and get to know each other. Path's may or may not cross in the future. All I know is that each relationship will teach you something new. A good relationship( and I am including friendship) will teach you something new that will uplift you.What if you are missing out on a amazing opportunity to get to know someone because you are afraid of saying goodbye? I have always been afraid of this that I don't get close to people when I know that the location is temporarily. I need to change my attitude and be friendly and more outgoing even when I know that change will come. Embrace change. Know that change will either strengthen or weaken you. Let it strengthen you with new places and new friends. Living in fear is overrated. Living with faith is underrated.


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