Are we there yet?

So I was listening to this song by Ingrid Michaelson, and it made me think of all the destinations that we plan for. We dream of destinations all the time. It all depends on our stage of life: getting a driver's license, graduating from high school or college, getting into grad school, getting married, buying first house, getting first job, having your first child, becoming a grandparent, retiring and lastly death. There are so many checkpoints that we have in our life.

What do you do when are you waiting for that checkpoint? I was recently talking with a friend about planning your future as you start to approach graduating college. It is a scary point in life because you literally have the world in front of you. You have so many options and if you make the wrong decision, you have no one to blame except yourself.

I have seen a attitude switch as I have moved to BYU. A lot of girls graduate single here, so I don't feel weird graduating single. I am okay If I graduate college single. I never thought I would say that but I have hope that everything will work out. If I am single, I will just keep moving on with my education and work until the right person comes along. When asking myself "am I there yet" I will say no, but I will be ready for when that day comes. So here is the main message of this blog: There are a lot of transitions we will make in this life. When in the middle of a transition, keep hope that everything will work out. Keep moving forward instead of staying in the same place. I have learned that life is about progression not about where you stand. As long as you keep moving forward you will be in a good place.


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