Faith is a Belief and Action

I think a lot of people of people don't truly understand the action part in faith. I am beginning to understand this and apply it in my life (like I said in my last blog post). Today was fast sunday, so I was thinking about my testimony. We learn about the gospel and learn about the words of Christ. After we learn the words of Christ, we should apply them and act upon the knowledge we have. The application and action part is the hardest thing about faith. It is so easy to say that we have a testimony of Christ but showing it through our actions shows a stronger testimony than words. I think the most important thing we can do in this life is to live what we believe. If we believe that meat is bad, then become a vegetarian and fully commit to living that lifestyle. Don't live your life partially. Like the hocky pocky, don't put only arm in, put both arms and shake them BOTH apart. I don't know if that makes sense, but lately I feel like I just need to live my life with stronger purpose and commitment to the gospel, friends, and school. I know that I can do more. I know that by putting more into my life will bring more joy and peace as I understand that I am doing all that I can. I don't want to look back in my life with regret knowing that I could of done more. I don't want to return to God and have to say to him, "I meant to visit teach, but you see...Glee was on and It was Micheal Jackson week. What did you expect me to do?" Yeah, I want to avoid doing this at all costs because it is simply lame.

I think it all comes down to having a personal relationship with God and having the right priorities and planning your life according to your priorities. Wake up and think, what is most important in my life. Is it more important to curl my hair or have scripture study ( I am not suggesting that curling your hair is bad, I am merely suggesting that neglecting the small and important things that can develop our relationship with God is the most important thing we can do. If we focus on those things and apply your faith in everyday life, then we experience more happiness.


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