V-Day is coming up :)

I was thinking about how this wonderful holiday is coming up once again! I have only spent it one time with a boyfriend, and the rest I have been single. It really doesn't bother me that I am single on Valentine's Day when I think that I am only 20. I still have plenty of time!

Do you want to know what I was doing last Valentine's Day? I worked, had a nice breakfast with my roomies, and watched my favorite thing in the world: Wishes. I think that was a pretty awesome Valentine's Day. Thinking back, a day in Magic Kingdom is always magical. My valentine's day won't be that magical because it probably will be full of homework and classes. Maybe, I will send some valentine's though. I might dedicate the whole day to Michael Buble music because that always makes me happy. My theme song for the day could be "Just haven't met you yet". I like this idea.

What are your plans for valentine's day?


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