Oh, What Song of the Heart

I am laying here doing indexing and listening to of course, Mormon Tabernacle Choir. Then this song came up while I was indexing for WWII drafts in Missouri. My roommate, who is the family history guru, has had a good influence on me. One day, she was talking about how much love she had for these young men who went to war, knowing that most of them wouldn't come back. I was listening to this song and then I thought of what my rommate told me. I have never felt that much love for someone I didn't know. I was reading their name and then wandering about what they did in their life. Did they become a war hero? Did they come home from war and get married to their high school sweetheart? I have never had this emotional connection with indexing before, but today I realized that they are real people. When I am inserting people's names, ages, locations of birth and death, I am seeing a glimpse of someone. It just seemed like a wonderful moment where I made this connection between me and individuals I was indexing.

It will be a glorious day when I get to reunite with the people I am indexing and doing temple names for. I can see the faces for the names, that I helped. I will be able to see how I impacted these individuals by doing these simple acts. If you are looking for a way to experience joy, start indexing. I look forward to doing it every sunday, because my eyes are opened to these unbelievable people.


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