Start living now

So, I realized today something really sad. I am living my life through daydreams and wishes. "I want my future to be like this, so I am going to do this....". Not that I am saying you shouldn't work for your future, I am saying enjoy the present. If you have been wanting to do something, just do it. What is the purpose of waiting? I know I talk alot about dating, but we are at BYU, so we talk about it a lot. Stop daydreaming and actually go out there and talk to people. We dream about this perfect guy when we are just drifting. What kind of guy would want a girl who would just daydream and never progress? Stop worrying, start living.

I need to work on this with meeting new people. I stopped talking to new people once I knew some people. That is bad though. I sometimes feel alone on the campus and then I realize that it is because I separate myself from people. How can I blame others for my own actions?

I have also been thinking about something else. I wander do people live in this false reality with technology? Instead of talking to people, do we watch too much tv and go on facebook? I find this happening in my life and I need to have a intervention. Stop with this relying of technology and start making new friends. Laugh more. Have fun. Don't be so serious all the time about my future. Life is meant to have joy, not serious thoughts all the time.


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