I'm the Lucky One

I am in Rexburg for this weekend, and when I saw the Rexburg temple I felt like I was coming home again. I can't write about how Rexburg brings so many emotions and memories. Provo has been really good for me yet I just love this town. I could write a whole entire blog about how Rexburg has changed me and is a part of who I am.

Anyways, my grandpa wanted help with some computer things and of course said I would try to help. And then he said his bread machine broke. If you know my grandpa, you will know that making bread is important to him. He makes homemade bread that is really good. He has created a special recipe. His bread machine should be working tomorrow, so he will be making bread. When I was in college here, he would invite me over to make bread so he could teach me his methods. I always intended to learn his methods but I always found a excuse. Now that I am staying here, I can't think of a better way to spend my three day weekend.

I love bread. I love my grandpa. I love learning new things. I love the combination of the three! Funny how these small things are so important to me and my grandpa. He was excited when I told him I would love to learn about his bread. I could tell that it was important to him that he pass on his knowledge of bread making. It  will be great bonding time with one of my favorite people in the world. While driving up here, the people in the car were talking about new student's rejection letters to BYU. I thought of how I was first rejected from BYU and heart broken. I didn't understand what I needed. Yes, BYU is needed for me academically yet the timing to go there was not as a freshman. I needed to be in Rexburg and become close to my grandpa. I need him in my life and that wouldn't of happened without me going to BYUI. I am so thankful for the opportunity to go to BYUI and experience living in Rexburg and becoming closer to my grandpa.

I have learned so many things from him that I hope I can develop. He is the religion guru. He is always serving others. He is always striving to be better. He loves others. He will drop everything to help others. He sets apart time in his day to talk to his family and develop his testimony. He finds humor in situations where you could perceive that the world is crashing. He loved my grandma with all of his heart. If I could develop any of these characteristics, I would be set. In reflecting back on my education, I was thinking that my grandpa is why I needed to be in Rexburg. I needed to recognize these characteristics and work hard to develop them. My grandpa was there to be the example for me when I needed to grow in so many ways

Anyways, It was a gratifying moment where I realized how lucky I am to have the men I have in my life. They are amazing and provide good examples to me of what I should be looking for. If I could find someone like my brothers, dad, or granpa's, I would be a lucky girl. It is like that Faith Hill song when she says "I am the lucky one". I truly am the lucky one. 


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