Guess what? 

I did something great and productive tonight. 

I started my social work graduate application. 

I made a decision. 


You know, it feels good to make a decision. Here it goes: I am not retaking the GRE. I don't have the time and the effort to put into studying for it. I could but I want to focus on other things right now. Today, while I was working my co-worker asked me about letters of recommendation. I sent out emails today and started asking for professors to write them. I made my resume short and concise. I read the requirements for the letter of statement for social work. I put all my educational experience and employment on the application. I checked to say that I would live the honor code. Yes, the social work application isn't due until January 15th,  but I feel like starting it early is a smart idea. I need to start collecting things so my application is perfect. 

I want to take a year off but social work sounds like a good option. Everyday day it will change, but I won't have a chance with the Marriage and Family Therapy application with my GRE score. I have a chance with social work, so I am going to give it a try. 

You know, I have no idea what will happen. I really feel like I am walking in the dark right now. I take one step and light is shown just for a minute and I am in the darkness once again. I have learned to embrace the darkness right now. I have to acknowledge the fact that I am not sure of what my options will be. I know what I want to do and how I can get there. It is just figuring out what is best and what God requires out of me. 

I love darkness. Sometimes, it scares me but I have learned that sometimes we don't recieve answers immediately. I think that God sometimes lets us struggle to find the answers some times. It is super frustrating in the moment but when you look back, you can see the pathway to what led to your decision. You can see strength and a sense of humbleness overcome you as you have trust in God. So, if god wants me to learn patience and a stronger sense of humbleness, then I will learn it. I will do it. 

Yes, my application is open and started. AHHH!


  1. I'm with you about the walking in the dark part. But it looks like you are finding your path so far and everything will turn out perfect for you! Wishing you the best :)


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