I've been thinking a lot.

You know how people are so ready to graduate and be done with college? I am terrified. Well, maybe not to that extreme. I am not following my life plan. I could, but the likelihood of it happening is not high. To show you why I am freaking out, I am confused about what I should do. I am still confused of whether Social Work or Marriage and Family Therapy is best for me. I have talked to so many people about this subject matter and have become informed of each program. I am leaning towards Marriage and Family Therapy but Social Work is great as well. I think I fit with Marriage and Family Therapy more. I won't do a full on comparison on this blog, but I have done this before.

I am just scared. These are my main questions. Do I want to take a break and apply for graduate school after my break? I am scared that I won't find a job. There are many benefits for this option. I could stay in Provo and still love the social life and volunteer at agency that will help me gain better understanding. I know where I would want to live. My main fear of that is finding a job with a bachelor's degree in psychology. Psychology is not a good bachelor's education if yo don't want to go on for a master's. I also want a break from school. I have been in school since Preschool. Boys have missions, and I have a couple months for breaks if I am lucky. Also, my publications may be done so that would look awesome. Another positive thing is that I could earn money and better afford graduate school.

If I retake the GRE, would I have time to study and get my application ready? What would my chance even look like if I retook it and got a higher score? I don't regret not studying, well maybe a little bit. This summer was so nice to have a break and remember that school is not life forever. I wanted to break out of that mentality that my life's purpose is to be a student. There are other things and purposes in life that I neglect as a student. So, that was what I learned this summer. I needed that greatly.

Would I want to go back home and save money and not pay rent? Rent is not ridiculously expensive, but it is expensive. I could save even more money at home but then there are so many questions that go along with this option.

I am just confused.

You think you have a life plan and something happens and then you don't know what to do.

Someone tell me what to do.


I am leaning into a year off just because I don't think I am mentally ready for the challenges of graduate school. I really am not ready to write a thesis, start therapy, and live my life at the clinic.

This is one of those critical moments where you are just in the fork of the road and each pathway leads to something important that will affect your life forever. Stupid forks in the roads.

Another thing I have been thinking about a lot lately is the fact that I determine my success on what the world sees as successful. Education, beauty, money and friends. I feel like if you have all of them, then you are looked upon as successful. We had our regional conference where we talked about becoming a disciple of Christ. I need to refocus my efforts and becoming a disciple of Christ and not on meeting the world's standards. In the end, becoming like Christ will be the most important thing you can do in life.

Anyone have any advice?


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