My Cuddling Weekend

Yes, I cuddled lots this weekend. Although you may think that it was with a boy, I will tell you that it was with my best friend who is not a boy. We had a fun filled weekend of laughter, bonding, swimming, not sleeping, and talking. Let me start with the beginning, I went with some friends and we went to my best friends house in Rexburg, ID. When me and my friends ( I don't care about the grammar) get together we are loud. We are loud and we know it. We ended up talking late that night. The next day we went to the lava hot springs. I have never been there, but It was a blast. The sign said 50% chance of rain and that there were was no refund. It did end up raining, but we waited until the rain ended. It is funny how small things can make you so happy. They had these high platforms, slides and rock climbing wall. They had lots of "fancy" toys, but our favorite toy was this floating turtle. We played lots of games on this turtle including: how many people can we fit on the turtle, how long can you stay on the turtle as we spin it and do "illegal" things on the turtle and try to avoid the lifeguard. We had a blast playing these games. Also, when it was raining, we had to wait for a while. While we were waiting, we ate food and played loud group games. It was funny to see people's reactions to us. Some would laugh and some would be annoyed. My best friend's mom said that "we are making memories" as we waited in the rain. Why, yes we were making memories.

The next day, we went to church and visited the BYUI campus. The campus is beautiful. It always has been really pretty to me, but the construction is done. The quad was done and the outdoor ampitheatre was finished as well. I do love the BYUI campus as it is beautiful and warm. You can definitely feel the spirit just by walking on the campus. Each building is dedicated by the prophet, so we can be guided by the spirit as we learn academically. I love the feeling of walking around campus. I had a great conversation with my grandpa. Sometimes, I worry about graduating and not having a sure plan. He told me that I should enjoy this time while I am young. It was really good to just talk to him and gain a new perspective about facing my fears with the future. I love talking with my grandpa. He always reassures my fears. Later on, I hung out with my best friend's family. We played horse on the basketball court. We later went to my grandpa's and played games way too late. We passed the point where we were making sense. So, that was my weekend. A fun roadtrip, lots of friends, food, wonderful memories and laughter all are included in my fabulous weekend in Rexburg.


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