Gender issues

As a psychology major, you learn about gender issues and sexism. My psychology of gender teaches with a very feminist view. I love learning from her just because her view is different than mine. Recently, I have learned about men's studies. It is a recent discipline of study. The feminist and men's studies movement have altered psychology beliefs and marriage and family therapists training. As a marriage and family therapist, it is important to learn about these gender issues. I think even if you are not a marriage and family therapists, it is a interesting and valuable thing to learn about.

Men's studies deal with gender roles. Recently, females have started developing careers in male-oriented jobs. It is becoming more acceptable. Although pay isn't equal yet, it is becoming more equal as women's studies have advocated for equality. Women's role have changed significantly. Women can become mother's or become a full time worker. They have more freedom in deciding their life plan. Men claim to have the opposite. They claim that their role is very linear. Is it the men's responsibility to bring home the money and receive the education. A typical plan of a male is to get a college education with a post undergraduate education, and then get a high paying job to pay for the bills. I think that most men have been okay with this, but seeing women change their role, they are questioning their role.

Compare this situation: a woman getting her masters degree in civil engineering versus a male working at home while his wife is getting her post undergraduate education. The wife may be judged because she is entering a male-dominated career. She may be payed less for the same work after she gets a job. Overall, it is acceptable for her to go into this career. The male will be perceived as a wimp. What is he doing with his life? My teacher was talking about Mr. Mom. It was a funny movie yet it showed that males are incompetent when raising children and handling the home. Society will watch this male and judge his competency and question his masculinity because he is staying home. He will be ridiculed for his decision and "value" may decreases according to society.

Are male's roles too rigid? Does the role need to be extended? What if males want to enter into female-oriented careers? I don't have many males in my classes because my classes are oriented for counseling careers. Mainly, females dominate these careers. It not entirely female, but I would say it is mostly females. I don't judge the males in my classes, but I have seen other's judge these males on their career goals. If a male wants to become a social worker, they think that his income won't be high enough. They think that he is less masculine if his major is human development, because it is mainly females in the major.

I understand how this affects males as I have studied it and experienced attitudes of individuals at BYU. Is it a bad thing to change the rigidness of men's roles? In the LDS perspective, the proclamation of the family describes the god given roles for men and women. Men are primarily to provide for their family. Women are primarily responsible for the nurture of children. I agree and accept this as I believe in my church. I think the problem comes with interpretation of the proclamation of the family. Does the proclamation discourage the roles to change? When I meet God, I want to talk to him about this subject.

Gender equality is important to me. I don't know If I would call myself a feminist. Feminist have various levels. Some believe that females are more valuable, some believe that they should be equal. I simply want males and females to be equal. I believe that the LDS church teachers equality for genders. My interpretation could be completely wrong, but if women's roles are changing, why can't men's? If men want to enter female-oriented careers, then they should be able to.

I know this has been a really long post, but I encourage everyone to evaluate their attitude. I don't care if you don't agree with me. I just want individuals to not accept what society tells them blindly. Evaluate for yourself  and develop your own opinion on this matter. Should men and women's roles change?


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